Easily finance your imports from Asia

Easily finance your imports from Asia

Easily finance your imports from Asia

Easily finance your imports from Asia

We handle the up-front payment to your suppliers,

you pay us back up to 120 days later.

We pay suppliers up-front, you pay us back up to 120 days later,

liberating your cash-flow to grow your business.

We handle the up-front payment to your suppliers,

you pay us back up to 120 days later.

We handle the up-front payment to your suppliers,

you pay us back up to 120 days later.

Maximize your business potential

With our financing, you can receive and sell the goods before making any payment.

Grow faster

Longer payment terms enables you to choose the right inventory to meet your future demand

Reduce prices

Negotiate steep discounts on the goods by offering your suppliers to pay up-front

Choose freely

Longer payment terms provides the freedom to choose how to spend your money

Maximize your business potential

With our financing, you can receive and sell the goods before making any payment.

Grow faster

Longer payment terms enables you to choose the right inventory to meet your future demand

Reduce prices

Negotiate steep discounts on the goods by offering your suppliers to pay up-front

Choose freely

Longer payment terms provides the freedom to choose how to spend your money

Maximize your business potential

With our financing, you can receive and sell the goods before making any payment.

Grow faster

Longer payment terms enables you to choose the right inventory to meet your future demand

Reduce prices

Negotiate steep discounts on the goods by offering your suppliers to pay up-front

Choose freely

Longer payment terms provides the freedom to choose how to spend your money

Maximize your business potential

With our financing, you can receive and sell the goods before making any payment.

Grow faster

Longer payment terms enables you to choose the right inventory to meet your future demand

Reduce prices

Negotiate steep discounts on the goods by offering your suppliers to pay up-front

Choose freely

Longer payment terms provides the freedom to choose how to spend your money

On-boarding in three simple steps

On-boarding in three simple steps


Connect your account

We use the data to perform a risk analysis on your company


Upload the invoice

We use AI to extract the supplier information from the invoice


Choose payment terms

We provide you with several financing options to pay back

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